The Complete Guide to the Nikon D6 helps you understand and master the use of the Nikon D6 camera and is written by one of the best technical document authors in the world. In almost 1100 pages, Thom Hogan documents the camera better than Nikon did in their manual, with tons of recommendations and suggestions.

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You may think that you're well versed on Nikon cameras at this point, but the D6 is different than you think. A completely revised autofocus system has additions and nuances that are important to learn if you want to get the most from this camera.
All of D6's features are explained in detail. Recent ones such as Mid-range Sharpening and Diffraction Compensation, as well as the so-called Creative Picture Controls, for example. But there's also all the chimp-style playback options that will help working professionals review, mark, and output their images directly from the camera.
The Complete Guide to the Nikon D6 covers everything (thus the name). Thom will walk you through pretty much everything the camera can do, including GPS logging. Some of which isn't in the Nikon manual or additional instructional materials, or which Nikon glossed over in their document (and in a few cases, got details wrong).
You'll find deep, yet understandable explanations with more examples and suggestions than in other guide you could buy (none really exist as this book is published ;~). All in the no-nonsense and understandable writing style for which Thom Hogan has become famous. No matter how well you think you know the Nikon D cameras, you'll find things in this work that you didn't know about the D6. Again, that's why it's called a "complete guide.”
- Organized to help you learn. Strongly organized—the Table of Contents alone is 10 pages long—with distinct sections for what you need to know (1) before using the D6 (background and setup), (2) while using the camera (photography and video features), and (3) after using the camera (what to do with your images and videos). I've taken the time to re-organize many sections from my previous books, as Nikon's own organization in the menus and options has changed.
- A complete instruction manual and an introduction to relevant digital issues in one book. The Complete Guide to the D6 manages to not only fully describe every feature of the Nikon D6 in clear, easy-to-understand language, but also provides you rich, technical background for many of the critical issues that confront digital camera users. First time digital camera users will get information about how digital cameras like the D6 work. Digital veterans will get insights into how to set their Nikon D6 for the best results. Video users get information on how to use the video functions on the D6.
- D6 autofocus explained in plain English! Nikon loves inventing acronyms and cryptic terms. Can't figure out what the various Focus Mode, Autofocus-Area, and other modes actually do, you'll find that explained in the book. Want to get some help in how to best configure you camera for focusing? The Complete Guide to the Nikon D6 explains all that in the same simple, no-nonsense language that made Thom's original Nikon Field Guide a best seller. And yes, even things like the so-called "hybrid autofocus" technique are explained.
- Video, Focus Stacking, and more are covered in detail. Nikon didn't spend a lot of time in their documentation outlining how everything works. Some of their descriptions are almost as simple as "press this button and turn this dial." Thom's book covers what the camera is actually doing and how that might impact your results. Since the Nikon D6 allows manual control of video, you'll learn how to do that, too.
- All the ways you can connect to mobile/computers are dealt with. SnapBridge? Yes. Tablet direct connections? Yes. Wi-Fi to your computer? Still yes. (The current edition does not cover FTP and Ethernet transfers. These may be added in a future update.)
The PDF eBook file has been checked and runs on Kindle and iPad readers, though it is optimized for iPads (we suggest the low-cost Goodreader app on the iPad to get the very best reading and annotating experience, but Apple Books and Apple Preview on macOS work quite well). Don't have an eReader? No problem, the eBook also works using Adobe Reader on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux systems. Technically, the book can be read on iPhones and Android phones, too, but the screens on those devices are generally too small to read comprehensive text and tables like those in this book.

The Complete Guide to the Nikon D6 is a must-own for any Nikon D6 user. There simply isn't any other work out there that comes close to touching the detail, usefulness, or completeness of this eBook. Thom will keep the book updated if any new firmware updates come out or more is known about details that are so far hidden behind Nikon's technology lab walls.
Current Version: 1.01, 1092 pages, eBook (PDF) available immediately*
Published by byThom Press.
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