Mirrorless is Better than DSLR Says Canon
Let's cut right to the quote: "I believe [that the EOS R1] can do almost everything a [DSLR] can. There are no drawbacks, only advantages."
No drawbacks. Only advantages.
That's from Canon executive Manabu Kato in an interview with Phototrend, a French photography publication.
If the primary seller of DSLR cameras—currently with a ~80% market share, as Nikon has already scaled back—says they've been completely eclipsed, that should tell you something about the state of DSLR.
I've written it before but I'll re-emphasize it: if you're totally committed to staying with DSLRs, the next six months are likely the last period where you'll have a wide range of choices to buy new. Make your final upgrades soon. We've already seen a few DSLR cameras go off market and a lot of DSLR lenses go out of production. It's difficult to imagine much still being available new in 2025.