On my camera's fourth trip to Nikon for left focus, left focus, severe front focus, severe front focus, Nikon pronounced my camera "within spec" and said my lenses must all be bad. (All Nikon Pro lenses.). I need to send them all in.
I took my bad lenses to the selling dealer and guess what? The lenses worked fine on their D800. I took a thumb drive to the dealer and they saw my on camera's images and immediately concurred mine sucked and their camera was fine.
So I uploaded the other d800 photos to the Nikon site, and they finally relented and sent me a new camera.
They told me they were out of stock and I would have to wait a week, but it arrived the next day. Two days later they called and said one was on the way.
It's so sharp it hurts to look at the images. The D800 is wonderful. (jo)